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15-inch painted, decorated shaman drum by Bob. Painted by Glenn Lewis. TVD Photo

15-inch shaman drum and drumstick by Bob. Painting by Glenn Lewis. TVD photo

15-inch shaman drum and drumstick by Bob. Painting by Glenn Lewis. TVD photo
(Photos accompanying these comments are not visible on mobile.)
​Hi Bob,
I hope your holiday was wonderful and I also wanted to let you know that I absolutely love my drum. I did a ceremony with her and she has such a beautiful deep sound, and soul. I love the colors you used for the drumstick as well.
Much gratitude. --Iowa
Hello Bob,
The Drum and lightning stick were arrived in good condition. Their energy is very very good. The voice of the Drum is nice. We love them very much. The hide of the Drum seems not the the same as mine. What kind of hide it is?
In addition, some of my students are looking for a Drum. I highly recommended them to contact you. They would like to know what kinds of hide are available now.
Thank you for your precious work to give birth to those nice pieces.
Love -- Hong Kong
(Note: Bob generally responds to customer's questions via email.)
I have received my drum safely. It is beautiful.
I didn't respond to your request to put the drum picture on your site. If you
took a picture of it before you shipped it, of course, feel free to put it on your site. I will email you a picture of us together in due time, once we have bonded.
(NOTE: This is her follow-up photo at left)
Thanks again for all your time and attention to my drum. It is absolutely
stunning! --Pennsylvania​​
(Note: You can read more about this wonderful customer and new friend here
on the Thunder Valley Drums Blog)
​​Another Fun Email (Note from Bob)
​Customer Bridget purchased this drum a few years ago and sent along this fun update recently. You'll see her drum featured here on the site, and for sure, it's been a sensation across the Internet since the photo was first published!
Bridget's email:
​Hello. I hope you're great. I am having a day of gratitude. I had my drum out with 6 kids and rattles having a fun rainy day experience! When things calmed down I got on your site and saw that my raccoon drum is the painted example for the 15 inch drum.
It made me so happy! My drum is special and amazing and Mr. Lewis did an amazing job of capturing the spirit of the raccoon in his painting. I just wanted you guys to know that you are appreciated and truly gifted at your work. Many blessings to you and yours. Bridget --Ohio
Bob's Reply:
Hey, Bridget!
Many, many thanks for your WONDERFUL comment about being with six kids and your drum in the rain. BEAUTIFUL!
I am so delighted to know that you are putting that drum to its best and highest use, and sure do appreciate your compliments. I'll pass them along to Glenn, too.
Brightest blessings, Friend Bridget!
Hi Bob,
My drum was just delivered and it is amazingly beautiful! Please tell Glenn (the artist, ed.) I am so pleased with his artwork--the animals are so alive. It is really magical to play as well. Thank you so much for birthing this drum for me--I look forward to having it as my healing partner. Hasta pronto. --Indiana
The magnificent drum has arrived and I am impressed by not only the beautiful color of the hide but the great sound it produces. I will cherish this for a long time. Thank You, -- Michigan
Hi Bob,
I want to let you know that the drum has arrived and it is wonderful! The sound is incredible. Heading out for a camping trip near the springs now and happy to have the drum along. So much appreciation for your work Bob! All blessings to you. --Florida
Hi Bob,
Bob there are not enough words to express my joy and love for my drum it is truly beautiful. It arrived today safe and well in Ireland, I am giving it a rest after it's long journey and I will meet it tonight.
The workmanship and care that has went into my drum is beyond words. Thank Glenn for his fantastic painting, it is better than I ever imagined.
Again Bob Thank you . --Ireland
Hi, Bob,
I received my drum and I am blown away. My excitement and anticipation as I opened the packaging box was like an emotional orgasm.
As I first saw the drum and picked it up for the first time, I melted with positive feelings and energy.
The connection was instantaneous and I knew great things await us. I can't express my thanks enough for the time, energy, craftsmanship, and love put into the making of my drum as it came through so clearly when I held the drum in my hand and instinctively placed it on my heart.
I am truly in a blissful place right now and the drum is perfect in every way, thank you so very much!!
Hello Bob,
My drum has arrived safely! It's beautiful, I'm very pleased. Thank you. I'm excited to work with it.
With Gratitude. --Florida
Hi again!
Just to let you know, the drum is absolutely beautiful. The sound is wonderful even though it's still a baby. Everything "feels right" ( if that makes sense :-) ) I will smudge tomorrow and burn some of the herbs in the medicine bag. I look forward to spending time with my new baby!
Again, thanks for doing such an awesome job on my drum, it was well worth the wait.
Blessings for a great new year!
My drum is absolutely amazing and I am so in love with her! The colors couldn't be any more perfect. I plan on doing the smudging ceremony with my son today. Absolutely perfect! --Kentucky
Hi Bob,
The drum arrived today and it is gorgeous. Even better than I could have imagined! Thank you so much. I'm so glad I found you!
I will treasure it for many years. :)
She is incredible, beautiful, perfectly sacred. Thank you so much.
Lak'ech ala k'in -- California
(This Customer Purchased a TVD Thunder Drum and a Hummingbird Drum):
I have no proper words for our new drums. (We) are stunned. I knew they would be nice but they're beyond beautiful.
God bless you and the artist for the work you do. I really don't know what to say.
I will include you both in my meditation and prayers every day. I mean that.
God bless, Aho and Namaste.
--New Jersey
Hello Dear Bob,
This morning I received the Thunder Drum, thank you so much, I am so HAPPY and full of JOY with the result! Everything is so perfect! Packing perfect too!
This is really a wonderful piece of art, thanks you for the great care and work you did, and say also many thanks to your artist friend.
I hope he had pleasure to paint this very symbolic wolf. I do love it!
I do hope I have a chance in the future to meet you personally to thank you.
Now is the time for me to discover shamanism with my old friend :-)
Warm greetings and many blessings to you and your family. --Switzerland
My drum is fabulous! Thank you.
... the drum is exactly as I had pictured it, felt it and heard it. Thank you so very much. I am going to have a wonderful time experiencing it for some time.
Hi, Bob,
The drum arrived in the mail today. The box was damaged when it arrived, but thankfully the inside was safe and sound.
Words do little to express the joy I had taking it out of the box, seeing her for the first time. Lovely to behold and I could already feel her energy before I heard her voice.
I sang from the 2nd floor down to the first, out onto the porch and down to the lake where I sang on the dock. A song of welcoming a new member of the family. Many years shall will we travel together. I feel honored and privileged to have her on my altar.
Aho, Namaste and Blessed Be.
--New Hampshire
Hi, Bob!
Thank you so much!! I appreciate all of the care and love you put into my drum, this drum sounds amazing! I so look forward to using it for years to come. We are bonded now and we are family.
I will be in touch and fill you in on our journey. Who knows I may be ordering more to come, I have a feeling my son will want his own.
Thank you again for all the love. Take great care my friend, until next time!
Sending you lots of love and healing light. --California
Today I got a surprise. The drum was reached me. I have just unpacked it and it was absolutely beautiful. I felt Konekt to drum immediately. It was absolutely perfect. The paint was also lovely. Greet Glenn Lewis from me to say thanks.
Lots of thanks to you Bob.
Thank you for surprises. Thanks for the lovely drum. Thanks for everything you've done. The drum was absolutely perfect. I have not tried it yet but I notice a lot of good energy from the drum. I'm so happy. Stian. --Norway
(Bob Note: Stian and I have become good friends. Learn more about this practicing shaman from Norway on the Blog, 1, 2, 3. You'll also see his beautiful drum in a few places here on the site, including in the featured footer at the bottom of the page.)
Good morning, Bob!
She is here, warming up in front of my space heater, but I can already tell she was made for me. Thank you so much for your careful and thoughtful craftsmanship. I will treasure her forever. --Iowa
Hi Bob,
A quick note to let you know that I am enjoying my new drum tremendously. This is the first time that I have actually played a drum and I am finding a very powerful connection.
Thank you again for all the love and care you put into the drum. Please pass my thanks along to Mr. Lewis for his beautiful painting work! --Washington
Hello Bob,
How can I start?? Obviously by Beautiful Drum has arrived and I am smitten, completely blown away !!
After gently opening packaging, (while my heart was pumping with excitement) I reached in and unwrapped her. My goodness she is lovely. I spent many minutes admiring her and talking to her, Then she was given a long warm hug.
I really love the golden tone of the Hide, Bob, and the lace just adds that extra beauty to her. The little piece of wood from the tree is now attached and I'm looking forward to being gifted a suitable feather to add to her.
Together we had a little welcome ceremony with the smudging herbs from the pretty leather pouch, plus we
also went on a beautiful journey together in an hr long meditation then after I was able to play her beautiful sound and now we have become ONE. I look forward to working with her in healing and journeying.
I wish to thank you so much Bob and to say how very grateful I am that you have made my sacred drum and beater for me. :-) Blessings to you Bob. --England
My beautiful drum has made it to her new home. And she is more beautiful than I can give words to, as is her sound.
I could feel the joy, love and happiness coming from the drum from the moment I picked her up from the post office. That very night I created my scared space and opened the box, being very carful to save every herb that I could. I then spent some time (I really have no idea how long, time ceased to exist) slowly unwrapping the drum, then smudging her and myself with both the herbs and the sage before I struck a note on her. And then when I did her voice sang so beautifully.
She is now very carefully placed on my wall, where she is both safe and within easy reach and is very much now part of my life, family and has a solid place in my heart.
Thank you so much for the care and amazing energy that you have placed with her. I am so glad that I found you when I went looking last year for some one who could make a special drum. And I cannot express in words just how beautiful and amazing your craftsmanship is, those words just don't seem enough.
With very much love... --Australia
Hello Bob!
I got my drum yesterday. I have to say I just held the box for like 5 minutes before opening it because I was so excited. I can't even express how happy I am with the drum. But I am extremely happy!
I am so glad I found your site and had you make it for me. And Mr. Lewis did a glorious job at painting the wolf. Thank you so much for all the time and effort and energy you put into it. Please extend my thanks to Mr. Lewis as well. I will cherish it forever!! --Illinois
(From the same writer as above, via a Facebook posting):
"I want to thank you again, Bob and Mr. Lewis, for the fantastic drum you both made for me. It is beautiful and I will cherish it always. Your work is superb and worth every penny. The energy and love you put into making these drums is very obvious. You are not only a true professional but you have a great soul. Thank you!" --Illinois
I got the drum and it took my breath away. My heart chakra is spinning and I truly love it. Please tell Glenn he did amazing on the painting. I was shocked at how lite it was. I could play for hours if my kids where gone:) I would absolutely recommend you to anyone looking for drum. A thousand thank you's would not be enough. --Ohio
Thank you so much for all of the love and spirit that you work with in bringing the voice of this drum to life. I feel joyfully connected to this circle of beauty and healing. --New Jersey
Heartfelt greetings and gratitude Bob.
It arrived today in perfect lovely condition. It melted into my hand!
I am so grateful Bob. Thank you,
Aho & Namaste. --Georgia
Hi Bob.
The drum arrived. It's a beauty. I'm planning on playing for my class next week! Very excited! --New York
My Drum arrived last Thursday, 02 May. It is just exceptional! The painting is so accurate it is just amazing. Please thank Mr. Lewis for creating such a wonderful artwork.
And as for the skill and care with which you created the Drum, well, what can I say. You must know what an exceptional job you do, but in case you're too humble to recognize your skills, let me just say that I am amazed and in awe of just how much skill, care, and history, you manage to craft into a musical instrument. You are a true craftsman.
It is actually much more than just a Drum. It is art, music, culture and tradition all crafted into a beautiful piece that defies description. Needless to say, I am very grateful to you and I hope that I can tell many people where it was created, because this is just such a wonderful addition to my musical life, I want to share the experience with others.
Thank you Bob, for the most special instrument I have ever owned. I will treasure it always. --Australia
I'm still enjoying the wonderful drum you created for me...thanks." --Hawaii
It arrived safe and sound. It's truly beautiful and sounds amazing! You have done a wonderful job. Thank you so much.
I used it in a meditation class last week and got some wonderfully positive feedback on the depth that some of them were able to go into trance from the sounds your drum produced. Once again, thank you so much. --Australia
"Hey there Bob!
The drum arrived and is beautiful! Glenn did a wonderful job with the artwork and your craftsmanship is amazing as always! My friend absolutely loves it. She said she would get a few pictures and of course feel free to share any you may have taken. I'd love to see those too!
I shared the story of how the drum came in to being and she is very grateful for all the work that went into its creation.
It was great working with you again and looking forward to talking in the future!
Hope all is well!" --New Hampshire, USA
"To express the feelings felt when I opened the box is not fully possible.
She is incredible! Sacred, powerful, wise, transformative, playful, nurturing, gentle and so much more. She is perfection. Incredibly beautiful!
One of a kind! Her soul comes from so long ago. So many worlds so far away but present now here to assist in the ascension of the ones who are called to be present to her heartbeat, her song, her healing.
When I hold her and look into her I am looking into my soul. I feel my soul in her. It is a very sacred and profound experience and so much more.
Thank you from all that I am. Thank you. I’m so thankful.
Yes, pictures I shall send when I can get an opportunity. She is just so beautiful and so perfect.
Most Lovingly..." --California, USA
I apologize for my delayed response, living in Texas in the spring I have already had to contend with Mother Nature bringing in a new birth cycle (and wrecking havoc on my roof in the process). Thank you so much for all the care and love you have put into creating this wonderful drum. I am so very excited to see it and hear it and use it in my spiritual work. I am just beginning on the shamanic path and so this drum and I are experiencing a birth together.
I would love for you to share photos of the drum on your site and will commit to sending a picture of myself with the drum. I will certainly also let you know once I receive it.
Thanks again for all the love and care you put into the creation of this great spiritual tool. May it benefit all beings!
Aho and Namaste." --Texas
"Hi Bob,
My drum arrived on Saturday. . . it would have arrived on Friday, but I wasn't here when the mail arrived.
It is beautiful!! I'm so appreciative of your suggestions about developing a relationship with it, so several times a day, I've been holding it, using the beater, and using my fingers to make sounds and rhythms. I love the images Glenn used for each direction- the mountain scene fits 'earth' so well here in CO, the west image of a waterfall with fall colors looks like Kentucky to me :), I wouldn't have thought to use a volcano for fire, but it works beautifully, and the dandelions blowing away catches 'air' with such playful humor. My first impression was that I didn't like the images being squares . . . I'm more the lover of curves and soft edges than angles. I had the drum propped up on the cat tree so that I could look at it from a distance as we should for art work. What I noticed is that the four images kinda look like a cross - I like that - not an image I use a lot, but I was raised Catholic and have some positive associations with a cross. Wouldn't have thought of that on my own! I love the wild roses!!
I did not like the letters, NSEW at all . . . so I used a slightly damp cloth and 'erased' them.😳 They didn't add anything for me.
I plan on sending a picture of us together soon . . . and of course, use whatever pictures you already have taken!
Thank you so much! And, I look so forward to becoming comfortable with my drum!" --Colorado