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About Prayer Sticks: If you’ve thought of further empowering your shamanic or other practice, like meditation, you may want to consider adding this Spirit Joy & Abundance Prayer Stick. For additional spiritual perspective on this exquisite piece, please read "Bob's Insights" included in adjacent column. For a great overview of Prayer Sticks, Bob has provided a pdf file that you can read online or download from the box at the top of the Main Prayer Sticks page here.


Spirit Joy Prayer Stick made from Lilac Wood with a plethora of ornaments, beads, pendants, lacings, cords and other materials to help keep you spiritually calibrated to joy!


Physical Description:

  • Lilac Wood Carving, about 3/4-inch diameter (varies), and 20-inches long (varies), with the smoothest finish you have ever felt because of the nature of Lilac Wood
  • Partial list of beads
    • Ceramic, bone, wooden, copper, vinyl, Krobo glass, stone, artisan, jasper (two varieties), seashell, mahogany obsidian (volcanic)
  • Pendants
    • Lightning Wood
    • Bone
    • Solar Quartz Druzy

    • Raised Copper Spiral in a triangle

    • Four prayer ties

  • Materials
    • Ivy painting by Glenn Lewis
    • Leather, yarn, microsuede lacing
    • Ribbon
    • Pure cotton rounds for prayer ties
    • Miniature Gourd (a real gourd)
    • Round tribal print cording
    • Dyed feathers
    • Hemp cord
  • Illustrations:
    • 6 Photos and 1 Video (see thumbnails list below main photo above)


Please note: Increasing business and shipping costs have necessitated a $15 extra charge for packaging/handling/shipping to assure delivery of your prayer stick in pristine condition. This has been added to the price shown.



Free Gift From Bob!  You will also receive a gift from Bob comprised of a small pouch of his special loose smudge (as shown in photo).

Spirit Joy & Abundance Prayer Stick

  • Awakening: The Spirit Joy Prayer Stick

    Handmade from Old Growth Lilac Wood


    Imagine a warm, sunny day in the early spring with the unmistakable fragrance of lilac floating in the air, uplifting your spirits and enlivening the day as the Lilac whisks away winter’s lingering hold. In fact, lilac’s pervading presence is immediately evident to all of your senses—body, mind and spirit—a colorful, blooming messenger of renewal, and joy!


    Even when the plant is unseen, its wonderful heady aroma wends its way around any barrier to confirm the promise of creation, a reminder of the lifeforce cycle that overcomes the barren season and renews itself again…and again. Because it bestows this hopeful and recurring grace, the Lilac is an apt symbol for the life-giving union between the sky and the ground, the infusion of Spirit into the material world.


    No wonder, then, that Lilac is a favorite of many healers who add it to their smudging mixtures and essential oil therapies. Its medicine has long been recognized through the ages for its inherent properties to treat fever, reduce stress and anxiety and to relieve digestive issues and conditions.


    Salves and lotions containing Lilac oil—whether from its blossoms or leaves—are recognized as premier ways to restore healthy skin. It’s even embraced by those who have found it beneficial to unlock psychic/extra sensory abilities. (*Please see below.)


    Awaken Your Prayer Stick With a Breath...and a Prayer


    To awaken and activate the Spirit Joy Stick with a reverent breath and a short prayer of intentions, please read, “…Spirit Prayer Sticks, Divine Partners” on the main Prayer Stick page here.


    And what, you may ask, does prayer have to do with this?


    The ability to pray is included in your DNA. Prayer takes many forms and with many and varied intentions. It is generally defined with words like “solemn invocation or request,” “earnest hope or wish” for an outcome.  Those prayers are most often “directed towards a deity or a deified ancestor,” whether in a religious or other setting. But one word you seldom if ever see included in any definition of prayer is this: JOY.


    That is a real shame. Unlike happiness, which is a transient emotion, joy is a power. Happiness is most often generated by one’s self, as in being happy with your personal performance or receiving positive recognition from others. Joy, while also residing inside, seems more reserved and dependent on trusted friendships and the shared experience of group achievement over the long haul to bring it to the surface.


    A truly successful long term relationship with another will spark lasting joy, as will the continual support of a group behind one of its own and between all members. Joy is a Love Thing!


    Too, a successful and long-term relationship between yourself and Spirit can empower joy like few other things in life. It is here that the Spirit Joy Prayer Stick can excel. Lilac embodies the Spirit of joy the same as any spirit guide can be embodied in a so-called Power Animal, object, or angel-like advisor who serves the Creator Force(s) of love-centered existence and your highest spiritual and moral purposes.


    You can sense this energetic presence in Spirit Joy Prayer Stick and feel its power.


    In ceremonies and meditations, the wood from the Lilac plant, which is featured in all prayer sticks I currently offer, opens energetic pathways in all who are present. It is a gate opener, a guide beyond the normal clutter and sameness of ordinary reality.


    Joy is at the heart of blossoming creation itself, and it’s easy to experience with Spirit Joy. Its very existence bespeaks abundance, color, composition and expression in praise of joy, All That Is. And just think for a moment, it all starts with the most basic and profound necessity for life, a breath shared through prayer.


    Aho & Namaste,



    All information in this website is provided for educational and informational purposes only. The ideas and information expressed here are not intended to and cannot be used to diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure or prevent any disease. None of the information contained here has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Also, please be advised that some products offered on the site contains small beads and other materials that could present a choking hazard to young children. Adult supervision is required.

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